Current Projects
John's Substack site with his most recent thoughts, articles and projects...
Which is John's Chinese medicine school.
Which is John's project to promote the preservation, practice, development and integration of traditional medical systems world wide.
Articles and Pages About Elixir's Feng Shui Events
Belvedere-Tiburon's Elixir: Studies in the Feng Shui of Time
There's another important dimension of feng shui that has gone nearly unexplored outside of Asia. It's the feng shui of time...
Aesthetic Alchemy: An Unprecedented Display of Ritual Magic in the Streets of Belvedere-Tiburon
An intimate look at Elixir's participation in the 2009 Tiburon Art Festival...
Articles on the Covid-19 Crisis
Some of John Mini's views on our handling of the Covid-19 crisis.
And after reading The House That Always Wins, I challenge you to read the US House of Representatives report on the investigations surrounding the multi-level fraud that was perpetrated against US citizens and the rest of the world at that time...
Articles on Empty Force
My Quest to Study Empty Force
An article by John Mini on his personal history in the investigation, study and practice of Kong Jing, or Empty Force.
A Defining Moment in the Investigation of Empty Force
Empty Force is an objective, measurable field that can be perceived, assessed and played with instantaneously by an Empty Force master...
Wine Articles
Embodied Spirits: How to Optimize Growth in the Chinese Wine Market There’s been a great deal of talk (and action) over the last several years regarding the emergent Asian wine market and how best to tap into it...
On Comparable Cross-Cultural Terms For Wine Tasting
Creating a comparable vocabulary between cultures and languages for wine tasting is a formidable challenge due to the technicalities not only of translation, but more fundamentally because of the differences in actual experience between cultures and the extreme precision of these terms...
Articles and Media on the Effects and Side Effects of Marijuana
Which is the first comprehensive compilation on the diagnosis and treatment of marijuana-syndromes using Traditional Chinese Medicine.
John Mini's Youtube Interviews on Marijuana
Where John answers questions about marijuana and its effects in a series of short interviews.
John Mini's Marijuana Qi Gong Videos
Where John demonstrates specific qi gong exercises for each group of marijuana syndromes.
Marijuana Syndromes: How to Balance and Optimize the Effects of Cannabis With Traditional Chinese Medicine is a reference standard for health care professionals who work with people that take marijuana.
Perfect for acupuncturists, herbalists, physicians, psychotherapists, body workers and care givers who are familiar with the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Marijuana Syndromes will give you vital tools to work with the qualities and complications of marijuana use in a clinical setting...
Articles on Acupuncture and Indigo Children
Indigo Parents: How To Go From Coping with an Unknowable Unknown to a Happy, Healthy Family
This is an article about the challenges you may face as the
parent of an Indigo child, and practical steps you can take
to improve your life and the life of your child.
X Factor: New Models for Clinical Success in Working with Indigo Children
This is a talk I originally gave to a group of therapists who were working with Indigo children. There were also teachers, parents and some teenagers in the audience...
Books on the Aztec Religion
In the late eighties and nineties, I had the great good fortune to be introduced to the magical world of the Aztec shamans. Part of those experiences led to two books.
The first, Day of Destiny: Where Will You Be on August 13,1999? Came at the request of my teachers to use all of my resources to get as many people as possible to participate in a worldwide ritual on August 13, 1999. The result of this work led to over one million people participating on every continent on the globe, including Antarctica!
Day of Destiny describes many of the scientific discoveries and understandings of the Aztecs as demonstrated in the Aztec Sun Calendar. Day of Destiny is out of print, but is available used at through the link above.
The second book,
The Aztec Virgin: The Secret Mystical Tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe came as the sequel to Day of Destiny. The Aztec Virgin teaches about the indigenous origins of the Virgin of Guadalupe and how the native religion of the Aztecs is still practiced today.
John is Oulis in the NFT space...
Other Projects
Which was the seed of pioneering research I did into informational fields and their transmission through sound and vibration...
Which is an organization I started to educate people about the amazing life of the elephant seal, and to support Ocean Conservation Research...
Team Caloha
A task force that is dedicated to cleaning up California attitude...